More productivity and quality for your crop

Algen is a fertilizer of organic origin, a noble source of calcium and magnesium, with biostimulant action, growth promoter of microorganisms and fertilizer potentiator. Composed 100% of marine algae of the Lithothamnium genus, our product improves soil quality and increases production and quality of agricultural crops.


Because it has a unique biological structure, rich in highly available mineral and organic elements, the Algen line acts quickly, improving the chemical and biological properties of the soil, bringing more efficiency in the nutrition of agricultural systems.


In addition to increasing the quality and productive volume of crops, Algen has highly relevant benefits for plant nutrition, such as:

Fertilizer enhancer

Activator of microorganisms

32% calcium and 2% magnesium guarantee

Source of calcium and magnesium


Algen Solutions

The dosage depends on the type of crop and soil. Consult Oceana's technical department or our partner in your region.

Results of research in several institutions demonstrate that Algen is an important tool for plant nutrition and increased productivity and quality in agriculture.

Research results in several institutions show that Algen is an important tool for plant nutrition and increased productivity and quality in Brazilian agriculture.

Learn more about plant nutrition through our content:

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