About Us

Oceana Minerals is a Brazilian multinational company present in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. It has products based on Lithothamnium seaweed for plant nutrition, animal nutrition and water treatment, all of biological origin. For over 15 years, Oceana has contributed to the growth of the Agribusiness segment, bringing quality and sustainability from the sea to the countryside.

Know our history
Oceana Minerals Sustainability

Our raw material, a renewable and sustainable resource, helps us maintain commitments based on environmental, social and economic responsibility.

LITHONUTRI - Sustainable solutions for animal nutrition

LithoNutri can be used in cores, concentrates, complete feeds, supplements and additives. A biomineral complex, 100% natural, rich in macro and micronutrients, with a highly bioavailable structure, which improves animal performance. It is indicated for all species, promoting different benefits.

Learn more about LithoNutri®

"LithoNutri adds to the animal's health in relation to ruminal pH control, using this food as a natural form. With its use, we were able to observe an improvement in daily weight gain and in the efficiency of using the food offered to the animals, generating better yield and carcass quality. Another benefit of using LithoNutri in the animals' diet was the improvement in the digestibility of the feed, which provided a better feed conversion."

Marcelo Sarti - Animal Nutrition Consultant - Lençóis Paulista/SP

Algen - Nutrition and productivity for agriculture

Algen fertilizer promotes increased productivity, in addition to improving soil biological activity.

The use of Algen, a noble source of calcium and magnesium, a biostimulant and fertilizer enhancer, brings benefits to the nutrition of all cultures, contributing to the continuous development of agriculture.

Get to know the Algen line for Plant Nutrition


"Algen acts to improve the availability of phosphorus in the soil, in the activity of microorganisms and, consequently, in plant development."

Professor Fernando Andreote ESALQ/USP – Piracicaba/SP


One of Oceana's great differentials is the quality of Lithothamnium, a seaweed from a region close to the equator, very favorable to its growth and renewal.

The balance between temperature and high luminosity of the water provides a better balance of nutrients, promoting better results for plants and animals.

Learn more about Lithothamnium

Sea Solutions for Life

Of 100% biological origin, our products preserve the various mineral and organic elements present in the cell wall of seaweed.


We understand the real needs of our customers, who prove our results.

Videos that prove our results


Access the Oceana Blog and find content on animal nutrition, fertilizers, soil treatment, new technologies and agribusiness trends.

By Anderson Oliveira May 23, 2023
A Oceana Minerals foi reconhecida mais uma vez, por sua admirável gestão e desenvolvimento de negócios, inspiração de empresa sustentável e pelo comprometimento com o modelo de excelência Latin American Excellence Model (LAEM), sustentado por quatro pilares fundamentais Q-ESG: Qualidade, Sustentabilidade, Responsabilidade Social e Governança. Esse modelo orienta as empresas no processo de compromisso formal com o conceito de Responsabilidade Total criado pela Latin American Quality Institute (LAQI) e auxilia as instituições a obterem altos níveis de desempenho ao longo do tempo.
By Anderson Oliveira March 31, 2023
Foi com muita gratificação que, na noite de sexta-feira (24/03/2023), a Oceana Minerals participou da 30ª edição do evento de premiação Marketing & Negócios – Sustentabilidade e Agronegócios.
By Oceana Minerals March 24, 2022
Quando o assunto é fertilizantes minerais, o agronegócio brasileiro vive dois momentos. Um ligado a crise causada por diversos fatores externos, econômicos e, ainda em consequência da pandemia, uma provável escassez dos fertilizantes para a safra 22/23. O outro, prevê uma projeção de crescimento e desenvolvimento no setor de pesquisa e tecnologia de bioinsumos para […] O post Falta de Fertilizantes no mercado abre oportunidade para bioinsumos apareceu primeiro em Oceana Minerals.


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