Water treatment

Acqua Treatment is used in water treatment for domestic and industrial supply.


Coming from Lithothamnium, this seaweed has the biological potential for the filtering process and removal of heavy metals, accelerating the flocculation process in the capture and treatment of water.


Studies prove that the use in treatment stations contributes to improve water quality, and can be applied in refrigerator ponds, among others.

Applications and Benefits

Applied in water treatment plants, Acqua Treatment controls the pH of acidic water, contributing to the reduction of contamination risks.


Water filtration over a layer of granulated calcareous algae neutralizes it without causing incrustations, in addition to incorporating calcium and magnesium. The superiority of the product, in relation to classic alkaline earths, is also explained by the high porosity (40% to 50%) that considerably increases the contact surface and consequently the exchanges between water and its elements.


The Acqua Treatment influences the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the water (neutralization, siltation control and oligoneutralization), in addition to regulating the acidity of the water and causing the precipitation of decaying organic matter.

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